Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Planning Your Wedding Mistake

If you are planning your wedding you will already know that its a very expensive day; so ask yourself where you could save money and where you should not. What will people remember of your day and indeed what will you and your partner remember? Well you may well remember that special car and driver that chauffeured you for the day, but in a few years all that will fade. Your Photographs will be the single biggest reminder...think about that, you won't be able to show your grandchildren the cake, or the car or the dress without them.

Don't make the mistake of getting "uncle John, who has a good camera" to take them. Choosing a photographer because he has a good camera is like choosing a chef because he has a nice stove. Photographs are 'made' not taken and only an experienced professional will guarantee these skills.

So... Do you want to skimp on this......


  1. I totally agree Declan. I had an enquiry a few years back from a couple. in the end, the brides father (keen amateur) did the shoot. She contacted me a few months after the date and asked could I help her as the images were badly composed, cropped and some out of focus. Go figure.

    1. The Brides Father..... jeez did he not have enough to do. People learn the hard way I guess..
